Netrunner may be a Debian-based distribution featuring a highly customised KDE desktop with extra applications, multimedia codecs, Flash and Java plugins, and a singular look and feel. The modifications are designed to reinforce the user-friendliness of the desktop environment while still preserving the liberty to tweak. A separate “Rolling” edition, supported Manjaro Linux, was launched in 2014, was discontinued, re-launched in 2017, and discontinued again in 2019.
Netrunner Linux Review – Debian base with KDE desktop
Netrunner 21.01, an updated version of the project’s desktop Linux distribution supported Debian’s “stable” branch, but featuring the newest LTS (long-term support) kernel, has been released: “The Netrunner Team is happy to announce the discharge of Netrunner 21.01 ‘XOXO’. This version is predicated on the present Debian 10.7 (‘Buster’) and it comes with better support for contemporary hardware because of Linux kernel 5.9.15 from Debian backports. Netrunner 21.01 ships with all the newest security updates provided by Debian and a replacement beautiful wallpaper showing the new code name of this release. With the activated Debian backports repository, we offer updated firmware for WiFi and ethernet chips also as improved printer drivers to permit more modern hardware support. Firefox-ESR and Thunderbird were updated to the newest stable LTS versions, which get regular security updates provided by Debian security. Netrunner maintains its gorgeous look and feels from the previous version based upon Breeze Window decoration and red colour cursor.

Netrunner. If you are not familiar, it’s a Debian-based OS that utilizes the KDE Plasma desktop environment. it’s very polished and chock-full of fantastic pre-installed applications like LibreOffice, GIMP, Firefox, and Skype. All of this makes Netrunner an excellent choice for those switching from Windows, but also, it’s an exquisite option for Linux experts too. Seriously, folks, you’ll be blown away by how exceptional it’s — one among the simplest.
Today, Netrunner 20.01 becomes available, and it’s a really important milestone. You see, not only does it represent 10 years of development, but also, it’s the 20th major version of the OS. And so, the Debian Buster (stable) 10.3-based distro is being dubbed “Twenty.” Netrunner 20.01 is using KDE Plasma 5.14.5 and comes with a really special birthday wallpaper!
Netrunner 20.01 ships with all the newest security updates provided by Debian and a refined ‘Indigo’ Global Theme, making use of Kvantum theming engine.
Firefox-ESR and Thunderbird were updated to the newest stable LTS (long term supported) versions, which get regular security updates provided by Debian security,” says The Netrunner Team.
The team further says, “Theming-wise, the switch to the Breeze Window decoration with its darker colour increases the contrast and makes it easier to differentiate between active and inactive windows. The red coloured cursor (RED-Theme) allows to quickly locate the cursor on the screen and features a retro vibe thereto. As always we offer a uniquely drafted wallpaper, which inserts the milestone of 10 years of Netrunner and therefore the 20th version release.”

If you would like to offer Netrunner 20.01 ‘Twenty” a try, you’ll download an ISO here. it’s worth noting, however, that while users of version 19.08 of the OS can upgrade to twenty .01 without having to download the ISO, they’re going to not be treated to the special theme settings. For that, a fresh install is required, sadly.