You might not take this seriously enough, most people don’t, but whatever you do online can be tracked and traced back to you. Now, normally most of us are not using the internet to solve national security issues and most of us are not conducting research that might need to be protected from al the prying eyes in the world, therefore, we do not bother about it.
Vital Reasons To Use A VPN
However, this is how things are. Especially in today’s world, your internet activity is always under watch. Data is being mined 24/7 by large corporations and brands for marketing and advertising purposes. How else do you think that you get to see ads on your social media feeds about the things and products that you already have an interest in? this is simply because all your online browsing activity is under watch. Nowadays, most websites ask your permission to have access to your devices before you can use them. However, there are many websites that do not take permission from you and are busy mining data and information from your personal computers while you are busing browsing.
Now, every computer that gets connected to the internet has a unique IP address. In easy words, your computers also have fingerprints that are unique and can be traced back to them. Every online browsing activity that you perform is and can be tracked and is traced back to you through these unique IP addresses. Now, just like you must have seen in the movies that someone who wishes to evade the authorities or anyone who is tracking them by making sure there are no fingerprints left, this is exactly what needs to be done in this case as well but, instead of fingerprints you need to get rid of your IP addresses.
Vital Reasons to Use a VPN
Save Yourself from Targeted Marketing: Where many people might find targeted marketing to be quite useful as it shows them ads about products and services that only they are interested in, others may be offended at the thought of it. And rightly so, how can someone know what you might be interested in? a guess might be alright but, these large corporations are not guessing. Whenever you sign up on social media sites or visit websites by other companies they usually ask for a number of permissions. These permission involve access to your previous and current online browsing history. By doing so, these companies know exactly what your interests are and using this information, they show you ads about products that might interest you.
If you are someone, who does not mind these large corporations to track every move that you are making online then it’s alright but, if you are someone who thinks that this is an invasion of privacy and intrusion then you can actively take precautions in saving your personal online activity from being viewed. Circuit VPN or any other VPN can help you mask your IP addresses and save yourself and your personal online activity to be scrutinized.

Your ISP Knows What You are Up to: Your internet service provider (ISP) can track your browsing activity through your IP addresses quite easily just as large corporations and ad networks can. Now, there are no laws against or for this specific intrusion either. It might not be against the law for your internet service provider to view all your online activity but it sure is an invasion of privacy.
With ad networks at least you have a choice. If you don’t want them to get your data then you can stop using their websites or don’t provide them with permission to do so. However, with your internet service providers (ISP) you do not have this choice. In this age where data is considered to be one of the most important resources, your internet service providers (ISPs) may be tempted at some point in time to sell all this data to the highest bidder.
However, you can protect yourself from all this as well. All you need is a good virtual private network (VPN) like Circuit VPN to protect you from people’s prying eyes. You cannot totally stop your internet service provider (ISP) from viewing you but, you can surely protect yourself from their prying eyes. Your new IP address will not be shown to your internet service provider (ISP) and your browsing history along with all your search data will also not be available to view either.
So, you can either be a smart individual and protect yourself against people and corporations that are happily taking advantage from all the online activity that you are doing or you can give them a run for their money by protecting yourself by installing and using a simple thing such as a VPN. The choice is yours.