Canonical has re-released the Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS desktop images today thanks to an installation bug that would render OEM installations unbootable.
Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS Has A OEM Install Bug
A few of days ago, the corporate behind the flavoured Ubuntu Linux distribution informed users on Twitter that the ISO images of the Desktop flavour of its recently released Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (Focal Fossa) are suffering from a bug causing OEM installations via the Ubiquity installer to fail else thanks to the missing kernel.
As a reminder, Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS comes with updated kernel and graphics stacks backported from the newer Ubuntu 20.10 (Groovy Gorilla) OS series. As such, this Focal Fossa point release is powered by the Linux 5.8 kernel and Mesa 20.3 graphics stack. consistent with the Launchpad entry of this bug, only certain machines were affected and it happened when networking was enabled, which suggests that if you probably did an offline installation everything worked fine.
“Shortly after the discharge of Ubuntu 20.04.2, on Thursday, February 4 2021, a regression was discovered which suggests that on certain systems and under certain specific conditions the Ubuntu installer can fail to put in a Linux kernel. This renders the system unable else, said Canonical
This is often another example of why Canonical must revamp its Ubiquity installer on Ubuntu Desktop images. Since Canonical is such an enormous company, it cannot take any chances to go away a buggy major release within the wild, so today they’ve re-spun the ISO images for Ubuntu Desktop and any official flavour using the Ubiquity installer, including Xubuntu, Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu Budgie, Ubuntu Studio, and Ubuntu Kylin. Lubuntu isn’t suffering from these issues because it uses the Calamares universal installer framework for Linux. Kubuntu is additionally using the Calamares installer, but it’s like they re-spun the 20.04.2 image anyway. with none further ado, you’ll download the new ISO images, tagged with version, using the direct download links below if you propose reinstalling or installing Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (or any of the opposite flavours) on a replacement computer. Existing users aren’t suffering from this issue.
Download Ubuntu Desktop LTS