The world’s favourite software management app GNOME Software is getting redesigned.
GNOME Software is getting redesigned
GNOME Software does have slightly ‘reputation’ among users for being slightly …nonoptimal. Bloated? Memory hog? Slow? Ill-ordered? enthusiastic about spitting error messages? I’ve heard all of them. Thankfully, work is underway to supply this app a redo, iron out usability issues, and buff up its role within the GNOME Shell experience — as this (very lengthy) mockup of proposed changes to the default “Explore” page conveys:
Certainly makes more of an impression than this home page, doesn’t it? and thus the switch from header bar buttons to a typical sidebar helps bring the app in line with other “system-y” parts of the GNOME desktop stack.
Now, if you follow omg! ubuntu! on Twitter you’ll — algorithm depending — have seen a few of tweets about GNOME Software 40 beta release. a little set of welcome tweaks landed recently, including a cleaner looking home page, and a replacement GNOME Software icon.

But awesomely, these changes are merely a taster for a more substantive set of changes planned.
Such as? Well, more informative app listing pages for one. These are set to understand a glut of features not currently offered including:
- Install per-user or system-wide
- Immersive screenshot gallery
- Section for compatible add-ons
- Eye-catching context tiles
- ‘Other apps by…’ section
- Help/bug reporting links
These mockups — which remember: could also be a mockup, not finalised code — shows many of those changes in situ:
Once again, impressive stuff!

A few other things are mooted, including the facility to place in apps from a USB. Canonical’s pitch of creating a heavily-curated store more like macOS App Store are ruled out of scope and closed.
Will ALL of the UI refresh land in GNOME 40? Unlikely, but the actual fact work is underway and bits are landing within the GNOME 40 Beta should reassure people who , like me, find the prevailing version of app a bit… nonoptimial.