KDE Plasma has been evolving at an excellent pace. it’s improved significantly in terms of both looks and performance in recent years. Today it’s more refined and faster than ever.
Best KDE Plasma Linux Distros
KDE has undergone a performance overhaul and has become very efficient in terms of resource usage. The UI itself looks downright stunning. While most other desktops environments have remained just about an equivalent, KDE Plasma has grown into something that you simply SHOULD CHECKOUT. KDE Plasma provides a really polished user experience that’s unmatched.
1. Manjaro KDE
Manjaro KDE ScreenshotManjaro KDE is an absolutely premium experience. Directly out of the box, we get a shocking UI that’s with great care elegant.
Manjaro 20 is that the latest version we’ve, and with this version, they need to give us a replacement theme with the improved colour scheme, and therefore the new wallpaper that appears perfect here. Of all the KDE Plasma distros I’ve used, I resonate with this one considerably. I absolutely love the dark and clean UI here. Almost every distro I try, there’s some customization from my part that goes in. But with Manjaro KDE, this thing looks just perfect.
Manjaro may be a rolling release Linux distro, with a high specialise in system stability. It uses Arch Linux software releases as testing grounds and releases updates to its users only after confirmed stability. Manjaro is suitable for college kids, home usage and Linux and tech enthusiasts especially because you get access to the most recent of everything out there. its a leading-edge distro with enhanced stability. Manjaro has very huge software repositories and everything is kept fresh there. you furthermore may get access to the Arch User Repository, which is that the biggest collection of Linux software.
Manjaro provides a system that’s and feels newer than most operating systems out there. It provides leading-edge tech to you. It allows you to experience the most recent packages long before they hit most other Linux distros. It keeps you a step ahead. Installing Manjaro KDE is additionally very simple. it’s a beginner-friendly installer that creates the entire process easy for everyone. you will have a replacement system up and running in 15-20 minutes.
KDE Plasma in 2020, makes more sense than ever. it’s a tried and tested layout that’s highly productive. While GNOME may be a great desktop, I’ve always been critical about the very fact that its application menu has the potential to be distracting and fewer productive. Plasma, Cinnamon, Xfce and Windows 7, all of them have an identical layout that promotes distraction-free productivity. On top of that, Plasma looks modern and with great care good to seem at. it’s also become very efficient. And KDE intelligently adjusts its effects and stuff supported hardware to deliver a smooth system. of these things make KDE Plasma one of the simplest desktop environments you ought to be using.
2. Kubuntu

Kubuntu has always been the go-to distro for anybody who loves KDE and rightly so. Kubuntu combines the solid Ubuntu base with KDE Plasma. While Kubuntu doesn’t always provide the newest KDE desktop, it’s new enough and therefore the focus here is on providing a system that is very usable.
Kubuntu comes with the entire KDE ecosystem of apps. All-day to day tools is built for KDE. therefore the users who choose Kubuntu specifically for KDE are satisfied. But choosing to remain with just qt applications isn’t always an honest thing as you’re limiting yourself to a really small pool of software. Kubuntu provides some apps like Firefox, which is straight better than the Falkon browser in some ways. you’ll also download and install software from Ubuntu repositories, PPA’s and other .deb files regardless of what technology they’re built on. GTK or Qt.
Kubuntu is developed parallel to Ubuntu. it’s an equivalent core and follows equivalent principles. Kubuntu may be a very stable OS. it’s highly optimized for performance and usefulness. it’s tremendous software availability. that creates Kubuntu adequate for everyone .
The driver support here is basically good. It gets Ubuntu’s driver install tool which is basically helpful for installing NVIDIA proprietary drivers. And KDE Plasma desktop works better if proprietary drivers are installed for NVIDIA GPUs.
Kubuntu is sweet for gaming too. Since Steam officially supports Ubuntu, all the games are tested and optimized for this technique. And with great support for NVIDIA graphics cards, You’re getting the simplest possible gaming experience on Kubuntu.
3. OpenSUSE

OpenSUSE started focusing heavily on software developers, system admins, and servers. While many Linux distros became more and more usable for the overall public, that’s students, homes and stuff, OpenSUSE evolved into the perfect OS for us software professionals.
While openSUSE is out there with all the desktop environments, the KDE Plasma version is especially very refined. It comes with little or no customization, still looks good. OpenSUSE has 2 versions. Leap, which is that the stable regular version and Tumbleweed, which is that the rolling release. Tumbleweed is like Arch Linux, it keeps getting updated regularly and is usually new. I personally like Leap. Leap is supported for 3 years and gets point updates per annum approximately. With Leap, there’s very less pressure to update and do housekeeping with the system. this is often particularly important for us developers as we are performing on an equivalent, tried and tested version till we finish a project. But again, nothing is outdated.
OpenSUSE has very enhanced security, Since, it’s one among the highest distros deployed on servers, it enforces very high standards as far as system security goes. Another great point about openSUSE is Yast2 or simply Yast. Yast is the central system for openSUSE. You control everything from here. once I say everything, I mean everything.
OpenSUSE uses the rpm package manager. The repositories contain an honest number of software. OpenSUSE is very involved in the development of the latest technologies regarding software development and deployment. As a result, OpenSUSE is in high synergy with new trends that happen during this field and therefore the tech is definitely implementable on OpenSUSE.
OpenSUSE KDE is basically good to use. If you are a software student or knowledgeable, I like to recommend you inspect the Leap version. it’s very stable, tested, and is an experience. If you are not within the software field, fret not my friend, the subsequent one is for you.
4. KaOS

KaOS Linux is one of the foremost distinctive operating systems you’ll ever get to use. KaOS may be a completely independent Linux distro built from scratch. it’s built on strong principles of providing a really lean and efficient computing environment. KaOS achieves this by prioritizing quality over quantity. it’s just one desktop environment that’s KDE Plasma, uses just one toolkit that’s qt and is out there for less than one architecture, that’s 64-bit.
By strongly limiting the number of versions they have to supply, KaOS developers have created ONE OS to rule all of them. KaOS uses a rather toned-down version of KDE Plasma. it’s like this out of the box. Why? Dare to vary. That’s why. Anyway, It are often un-different.
KaOS feels so minimal and responsive. It comes with an honest number of KDE applications. Out of the box, just about everything expected from a computer is here. Music player, video player, office suite, KDE Connect which pairs your phone to your PC and a few additional stuff.
You get LibreOffice re-written in qt here, which is significantly faster than the traditional version. In fact, KaOS feels very responsive everywhere. the very fact that only qt applications are used here does contribute to the present performance boost. As far as installing more software cares, we will do so from the Octopi store here.
Quick note, KaOS uses the Pacman package manager but has completely independent software repositories. These software repositories aren’t exactly big. In fact, KaOS developers don’t even shall provide you with every software there’s. Again, their intent is quality over quantity. Sofware written in GTK is non-existent within the repositories. Talking from a software availability point of view, KaOS is simply ok for many home users. Not great. Just ok. You get a decently functional system with top quality and performance. If most of your work is completed through a browser. You’re set. If this is often the case, try KaOS and you will thank me. KaOS gives you Falkon browser which is sweet and fast too. Most browsers today are too complicated with too many functions. I liked employing a very simple browser for a change. KaOS also has Flatpak support so you’ll install many popular applications here. Firefox also will be soon available in Flatpak format so you’ll catch on here. Even Steam are often installed with Flatpak. So gaming too is sweet here.
Overall, I agree KaOS isn’t for everyone. But it’s an excellent OS for several people. it’s fast, has top quality and appears stunning. If you would like to create a minimal system sort of a Chromebook, KaOS is one among the simplest options at the instant.
5. Netrunner

Netrunner 20 may be a Debian based Linux distro that features a heavily customized KDE Plasma. Netrunner may be a rock-solid OS and it’s an absolutely stunning interface. It ships with Plasma 5.14 but it’s very different from the vanilla KDE that we’re wont to see.
Out of the box, the theming, icons and therefore the desktop look on the spot. Redesigned application menu looks gorgeous. it’s immersive and feels really responsive. The search is fast and the layout is basically good for touchscreens, and two in ones.
Netrunner has its own theme which comes during a few variants, but the default one is sweet. the colours pop but not such a lot that they’re distractive. Netrunner cuts down on animations and windows effects pretty aggressively in favour of responsiveness and a lighter system and this approach does work. The desktop, windows maximize minimize, it all feels very rapid. But KDE Plasma has some crazy good effects. We can, of course, enable these effects here in Netrunner too.
Netrunner is predicated on Debian Stable so it provides a really dependable OS for college kids, developers, schools, offices and just about everybody. It provides a really sizable amount of software to its users directly from the Debian stable pool. Debian Stable repositories have an upward of fifty,000 packages. These packages are extensively tested for stability and security. So you’ll install just about anything and everything you would like in a very convenient, fast and secure way.
The Debian stability including a contemporary desktop that comes with a twist, make Netrunner one of the simplest operating systems you’ll use. Netrunner takes a special approach in many aspects and provides a really refined computing experience. If you are a KDE Plasma fan, this OS are some things you would possibly really love.